Sunday, January 30, 2005

Where Does It End?

It seems I have somehow managed to acquire a buzz simply from consuming excess amounts of candy and nearly two liters or Strawberry Soda, the drink of the gods. So, this means it's contemplation time. What shall I contemplate? How about, where does it all end? Not depression, not happiness, in the end, if there is one, it all turns out the same. So, what do I mean? I mean all of it. Life, death, life again, spirituality, whatever you want to believe of it. Life, people say life ends at the moment of death. That makes sense, but I believe that while it may end at death, it also, for most, begins again at that same moment. So, yes, life has an end, even if it is also a beginning. rather complicated, you could say that for those that die and begin life anew death ends there, but for those that may finally get to stop living and rest, at least for a while, the end is far off, if even existent. But that is another story. I'll save the discussion of spirituality and life after death for a day in the future when I get high on chocolate.
At the moment I am too tired to sit here and contemplate much to you, but I have no doubt I'll start contemplating to myself as soon as I lie down.
Mostly, I feel that some people may end up traveling from life to life forever, however long that is, whether as punishment, or just unfinished business, it's still a long time. No rest for the weary. No punishment compares to that of living over and over, dying in various ways, and being able to do nothing about it. Through it all, it is inevitable that one would suffer a growing sense of loneliness. And so, today I'll leave you with a poem I've managed to come up with through all of the depression I'm in at the moment.
These spirits, they bereave me,
Of all that I hold dear,
Through torture or through pain,
It's become morosely clear,
It seems I'm here to sorrow,
Here to suffer, here to gain,
But, you know, I'm not sure,
If I can take the pain,
My heart is slowly breaking,
Completely frozen, covered in ice,
Someone has their grip on me,
A squeezing, painful vice,
They want me to yeild,
But I don't think I'll succumb,
Though it seems, in my heart,
I am completely numb,
This isn't about pain,
Nor is it about love,
In the end it's about turning me,
Into their faithful dove,
I think I'll sit here waiting,
For someone to rescue me,
Waiting for my soul's key,
When will he set me free...


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