Gender Confusion and Past Illusions?
Well, it seems I’m finally writing on this again. It’s not that I don’t have plenty to write about, but apparently I’ve become quite lazy when it comes to writing, and that includes everything. I don’t really remember the last time I wrote on this, and I’m feeling far too at ease to bother checking at the moment. Not only that, but I only just got back to writing on one of my stories. And of course, the writing that comes with education can’t be forgotten. I do my work, of course, but I rush through it and my writing has become rather sloppy, though that’s most likely because there are only two weeks of school left and the work all seems quite pointless now. Besides that I recently got back into reading and rediscovered just how much easier and more pleasurable it is to read what someone else has written rather than writing anything myself—especially when the writer is someone as talented and imaginative as Susan Krinard. (I highly recommend reading her book, Call of the Wolf, it contains two paranormal romance stories: Secret of the Wolf and To Catch a Wolf.)
Anyways, because of this wonderful book and my thoroughly dazed state of mind lately, I didn’t panic much at all when we had testing last week. Math and English went by fairly easily and for the few seconds it took me to close my test booklet and re-emerge myself within the pages of Call of the Wolf I felt rather proud of myself. (Of course, it wasn’t like the teachers prepare us for two weeks before hand, but I was still glad that I’d managed to store the information with my awful memory.) Then, the last part of the testing came, science. How ironic is it that I breezed through the science quite easily in all years of testing before, when I found no interest in the subject and was never prepared by my instructors beforehand, yet the one year I finally take an interest in the subject and have preparation for the testing two weeks before I end up feeling completely clueless during that one test session. Of course, I could always blame it on the fact that I had an intelligent but generally absent teacher for half of the year, and an immature elementary school teacher for the second half of the year, or even on the fact that the teacher who prepared us for the testing felt he only needed to go over mechanical science, and that any other type could not possibly be on the test. However, I feel they have only done the best they could have, and somehow I failed to know for myself what could be on the test and research it for myself.
Oh, well. Getting past that, if anyone is reading this you may be wondering why nothing I have written so far has related in the slightest to the title of this entry. Well, now I’ll get to that.
As for the first part, this morning I realized for the first time that I never feel female. Of course, to come to this realization I had to have noticed it before, but I never really stopped to make note of it. So, this morning was the first time I truly acknowledged it. No, it doesn’t really have anything to do with who I’m attracted to, though it seems I am attracted to both sexes. But it seems that the only time I feel female in the slightest is when I am aware of a male being attracted to me and showing it outwardly. (Though it seems this isn’t very often, for I am apparently more naïve than I would like to believe…or perhaps noticing these attractions is just a waste of my time?) Whatever the case, even when I do notice this I only become slightly aware of my femininity, even dating one of these guys doesn’t increase this awareness. (Perhaps this is why I have lately become so open to the idea of running around nude? It seems I am more comfortable with my body that I have believed in the past.) You might think that, if a male’s attraction can make me feel even slightly feminine, then perhaps a female’s attraction would bring about the opposite, but it seems that is not the case. Yes, when I am attracted to a female or the other way around, I feel…stronger, more possessive…and perhaps a bit more solitary. In fact, I feel almost genderless when it comes to females. I don’t know. It doesn’t seem that important to me at the moment. The point is, though, I just feel…odd. No, I don’t believe I was born in the body of the wrong gender, but it does seem odd that I can look down at myself and find my body entirely alien. People who see me everyday accept my body more than I do. Shouldn’t I be the one who welcomes it more than anyone? I do have to wonder though…if I ever do meet my life-mate, will I come to welcome and cherish my femininity as their arms close around me?
Finally, past illusions? Well, not so long ago I believed I had dealt with all of my past, accepted it, and effectively locked it up for good, or at least for quite a long time. However, it appears I am wrong. Recently they have been unlocked, I don’t know why, or by whom, but they are causing me no end of trouble. They intrude on my thoughts constantly, no matter where I am or what kind of day. I’m having trouble concentrating on writing, listening in class, or even paying attention to my friends. I can’t sleep at night, and when I do I have nightmares. My step dad, of course, is not helping matters. Not only are his yelling, stomping, and slamming around getting worse, but also he has started standing in front of my door late at night more often, and now even outside the bathroom door while I’m in the shower. I’ve tried mentioning it to my mother, but she blows it off. Perhaps I’m overreacting? Whatever the case, his actions and the unsettlement of my mind has made it clear once again just why I’m moving away from him, my mother, and everything I know here, running away from anything that frightens or disturbs me once again. Though I took care of my violent urges a while ago when I locked these memories up and became more peaceful, even smiling more often, it seems the urges are coming back with the memories. Each time my step dad is near, each time I can hear or see or smell him, and each time he does another thing that grates at delicate moral fibers I hold so dear, I feel the urge to do anything I can to harm him. I constantly imagine all of the ways to end his wretched life, especially since he has recently begun to harm my pets, but I know I would never do them. I hope I would never do such a thing. I’m quite sure that this is one reason I must leave and why the gods have decided to make it possible. Harming him would only cause trouble for others and myself…and I’m sure that the moment I caused him physical pain…I would be lost to any hope of remaining peaceful.
These feelings…this confusion…this is why I’m retreating back into my world of books and fantasies…solitude and silence…I think I need to buy another book and reenter that world. All of these things are tearing my mind apart…
Drifting Away
Anyways, because of this wonderful book and my thoroughly dazed state of mind lately, I didn’t panic much at all when we had testing last week. Math and English went by fairly easily and for the few seconds it took me to close my test booklet and re-emerge myself within the pages of Call of the Wolf I felt rather proud of myself. (Of course, it wasn’t like the teachers prepare us for two weeks before hand, but I was still glad that I’d managed to store the information with my awful memory.) Then, the last part of the testing came, science. How ironic is it that I breezed through the science quite easily in all years of testing before, when I found no interest in the subject and was never prepared by my instructors beforehand, yet the one year I finally take an interest in the subject and have preparation for the testing two weeks before I end up feeling completely clueless during that one test session. Of course, I could always blame it on the fact that I had an intelligent but generally absent teacher for half of the year, and an immature elementary school teacher for the second half of the year, or even on the fact that the teacher who prepared us for the testing felt he only needed to go over mechanical science, and that any other type could not possibly be on the test. However, I feel they have only done the best they could have, and somehow I failed to know for myself what could be on the test and research it for myself.
Oh, well. Getting past that, if anyone is reading this you may be wondering why nothing I have written so far has related in the slightest to the title of this entry. Well, now I’ll get to that.
As for the first part, this morning I realized for the first time that I never feel female. Of course, to come to this realization I had to have noticed it before, but I never really stopped to make note of it. So, this morning was the first time I truly acknowledged it. No, it doesn’t really have anything to do with who I’m attracted to, though it seems I am attracted to both sexes. But it seems that the only time I feel female in the slightest is when I am aware of a male being attracted to me and showing it outwardly. (Though it seems this isn’t very often, for I am apparently more naïve than I would like to believe…or perhaps noticing these attractions is just a waste of my time?) Whatever the case, even when I do notice this I only become slightly aware of my femininity, even dating one of these guys doesn’t increase this awareness. (Perhaps this is why I have lately become so open to the idea of running around nude? It seems I am more comfortable with my body that I have believed in the past.) You might think that, if a male’s attraction can make me feel even slightly feminine, then perhaps a female’s attraction would bring about the opposite, but it seems that is not the case. Yes, when I am attracted to a female or the other way around, I feel…stronger, more possessive…and perhaps a bit more solitary. In fact, I feel almost genderless when it comes to females. I don’t know. It doesn’t seem that important to me at the moment. The point is, though, I just feel…odd. No, I don’t believe I was born in the body of the wrong gender, but it does seem odd that I can look down at myself and find my body entirely alien. People who see me everyday accept my body more than I do. Shouldn’t I be the one who welcomes it more than anyone? I do have to wonder though…if I ever do meet my life-mate, will I come to welcome and cherish my femininity as their arms close around me?
Finally, past illusions? Well, not so long ago I believed I had dealt with all of my past, accepted it, and effectively locked it up for good, or at least for quite a long time. However, it appears I am wrong. Recently they have been unlocked, I don’t know why, or by whom, but they are causing me no end of trouble. They intrude on my thoughts constantly, no matter where I am or what kind of day. I’m having trouble concentrating on writing, listening in class, or even paying attention to my friends. I can’t sleep at night, and when I do I have nightmares. My step dad, of course, is not helping matters. Not only are his yelling, stomping, and slamming around getting worse, but also he has started standing in front of my door late at night more often, and now even outside the bathroom door while I’m in the shower. I’ve tried mentioning it to my mother, but she blows it off. Perhaps I’m overreacting? Whatever the case, his actions and the unsettlement of my mind has made it clear once again just why I’m moving away from him, my mother, and everything I know here, running away from anything that frightens or disturbs me once again. Though I took care of my violent urges a while ago when I locked these memories up and became more peaceful, even smiling more often, it seems the urges are coming back with the memories. Each time my step dad is near, each time I can hear or see or smell him, and each time he does another thing that grates at delicate moral fibers I hold so dear, I feel the urge to do anything I can to harm him. I constantly imagine all of the ways to end his wretched life, especially since he has recently begun to harm my pets, but I know I would never do them. I hope I would never do such a thing. I’m quite sure that this is one reason I must leave and why the gods have decided to make it possible. Harming him would only cause trouble for others and myself…and I’m sure that the moment I caused him physical pain…I would be lost to any hope of remaining peaceful.
These feelings…this confusion…this is why I’m retreating back into my world of books and fantasies…solitude and silence…I think I need to buy another book and reenter that world. All of these things are tearing my mind apart…
Drifting Away